
  • Website and Web-App development
  • Client side, server side, and isomorphic Javascript
  • Node.js
  • React with Redux
  • Bootstrap and Foundation
  • HTML 5 and CSS 3
  • Firebase, and PostgreSQL for database needs
  • Google Analytics
  • Ive dabbeled in PHP, with laravel and Wordpress
  • Wireframe planning and agile execution
  • Mechanic, I do all my own repairs and maintinence!
  • Handy-man and green thumb


Whey Cartel

I spent just over 3 months with Whey Cartel as a Front End Developer

  • Making reusable components and pages with react, html, and css
  • Creating and maintaing a prioritized backlog
  • More info about my work here on the projects page!
Enspiral Dev Academy

I spent 6 months with EDA, learning advanced and fudamental concepts about web development, and programming

  • Software is built by a team, not an individual
  • Learning from others and helping others learn is how we as a whole can improve the software development process
  • Check out the more detailed segment on the projects page!

About Me

Im a 22 year old web developer, with a passion for solving problems and taking on new challenges. In my spare time I like to ride my motorcycle, code, garden, and tinker with new DIY mechanical and electrical problems. In the next few years, I want be creating video games, buying and improving rental properties, and brewing my own beer.

I'm availiable to hire! I'm open to direct hire, contract to hire, contract, and freelance opportunity's. My unique background and world experiences put's me apart from my peers. I'd love to get together and talk over a coffee or beer. Email or call me anytime!